Stuff I'm Up To

Technical Ramblings

Laravel Jetstream and OpenLDAP — May 21, 2022

Laravel Jetstream and OpenLDAP

It’s been a very long time since I did anything with Laravel. I found another job around the time of Laravel 6, and today they are up to Laravel 9 – much has changed.

I was keen to look at using Laravel with LDAP both for authentication and management.

Building the App

First, I had to figure out how to get all the parts I used to know working again. It seems there are new JavaScript components and a change of CSS framework. I wanted to get back to using Vue.js, and it seemed not very straight forward to do that – until I discovered this article:

This worked out well, and I have an environment where I can use Vue. I just have to figure out the differences required for me to adopt TailWindCSS.

There are quite a few new things to figure out. Inertiajs is the glue that brings Laravel and vue together.

For handling LDAP processes I previously I would have used Adldap2-Laravel, this has been superseded by LdapRecord-Laravel. At the time of writing, it’s not ready for Laravel 9. This means the setup of the Vue.js project above must be done using Laravel 8:

composer create-project laravel/laravel:^8.0 myproject

Using LDAP

I want to use my Laravel project to manage LDAP and authenticate using LDAP, I don’t really want to synchronise my LDAP credentials over into a database.

Going through the LdapRecord setup guide, I find I need to install Jetstream. Jetstream is Laravel’s authentication starter kit. When you first start looking at a simple application, you’ll find Laravel has Breeze and Jetstream for authentication. Breeze is the basic offering using database authentication – Jetstream is a step-up to using different authentication platforms.

I can do this by ignoring the synchronisation settings. I have to be sure to make sure I notice the changes in code to use OpenLDAP, not Active Directory. At the end of the guide I find I have a number of Vue pages for login and registration and can launch the app from my browser – with one problem.

When I tried to log on, I saw in the LDAP logs that it was successful, but Laravel failed with a database error. It could not write to the session table because the user_id column does not match the data type it’s trying to write.

SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for type bigint: "7bde0af4-e393-1039-8b6c-117754cdf7d5" (SQL: update "sessions" set "payload" = YTo0OntzOjY6Il90b2tlbiI7czo0MDoiUjNad09lUmFuemhOZGZ6elBQU0ZFalpWMUxZdEkzRGJwdlpRZUt0bCI7czo2OiJfZmxhc2giO2E6Mjp7czozOiJvbGQiO2E6MDp7fXM6MzoibmV3IjthOjA6e319czo5OiJfcHJldmlvdXMiO2E6MTp7czozOiJ1cmwiO3M6Mjc6Imh0dHA6Ly8xOTIuMTY4LjEyMi4xOTE6ODAwMCI7fXM6NTA6ImxvZ2luX3dlYl81OWJhMzZhZGRjMmIyZjk0MDE1ODBmMDE0YzdmNThlYTRlMzA5ODlkIjtzOjM2OiI3YmRlMGFmNC1lMzkzLTEwMzktOGI2Yy0xMTc3NTRjZGY3ZDUiO30=, "last_activity" = 1653135298, "user_id" = 7bde0af4-e393-1039-8b6c-117754cdf7d5, "ip_address" =, "user_agent" = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.162 Safari/537.36, "id" = 5hu2fA8e10NguxqYewrbt2zku31uVSVMXNUWpdr1 where "id" = 5hu2fA8e10NguxqYewrbt2zku31uVSVMXNUWpdr1)

In the migration for ...create_sessions_table.php I see it is using a foreignId for the column type.

Schema::create('sessions', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('ip_address', 45)->nullable();

I’m guessing in most cases this would be OK for sessions related to a database ID, but using LDAP it’s coming up with the entryUUID for user_id. I changed this to:


Then rolled back and forward the migration to change the column type, and now I can log on, and the session table gets updated correctly.

Access to LDAP Attributes

One thing I didn’t want is for Laravel to have access to all of my LDAP users attributes – especially userPassword, but also anything else I may have in there that I don’t need for basic authentication, or attributes my app has no need of.

I could see all LDAP attributes were available to Laravel from the Vue Dev Tools extension in my browser

For this, I created an LDAP User Model as per LdapRecord:

php artisan make:ldap-model User

Now edit the file Ldap\User.php, change the class extension, and set up the protected variables:


namespace App\Ldap;

// use LdapRecord\Models\Model;

class User extends \LdapRecord\Models\OpenLDAP\User
     * The object classes of the LDAP model.
     * @var array
    protected $hidden = ['userPassword'];
    protected $visible = ['cn', 'mail', 'sn', 'givenName', 'initials'];

    public static $objectClasses = [

I probably don’t need $hidden and $visible, as $visible should allow access to only those attributes I want it to. Now change the config/auth.php so it uses this user model and not the default:

'ldap' => [
    'driver' => 'ldap',
    'model' => App\Ldap\User::class,
    // 'model' => LdapRecord\Models\OpenLDAP\User::class,

Now, when I log on to the Jetstream app and look in the Vue Dev Tools, I only see the white listed attributes as per $visible.

Laravel 5.5 HMR and Windows — January 15, 2019

Laravel 5.5 HMR and Windows

Using HMR in Chrome on Linux is faultless, but on Windows HMR fails to start in the browser.

Looking at the entries in the bowsers script tags they seem a bit goofy. There’s leading slashes and spaces before the script filename.

It seems this is a popular issue. We hunted around for quite a few pointers to resolve this.

The only thing we changed was line 90 of Entry.js to add on the extra replace(/^\//, ''); A restart of yarn hot and a browser refresh and we were good to go. HMR and WDS show in the Chrome console as expected and changes to code are now dynamic.

Laravel & PHP Minimum Requirements — December 11, 2017

Laravel & PHP Minimum Requirements

Make sure you’ve installed php and the necessary modules before trying to create a new Laravel project.

$ sudo apt-get install php-fpm
$ sudo apt-get install php-mbstring php-zip

The order of php-fpm and php is important as putting them the other way around you’ll find you get apache2 installed when you probably don’t want that.

Then you should be able to create your empty project using composer without any complaints.

$ cd /var/www
$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel [project]


Bootstrap — September 18, 2016
Laravel Redirect to Intended — September 13, 2016