Stuff I'm Up To

Technical Ramblings

WireGuard, OTP and ACL’s — September 29, 2022

WireGuard, OTP and ACL’s

Out of the box, WireGuard is a simple tool that solves a simple issue. Securely connect this system to that system. But what if that’s not quite enough? If a malicious actor obtains your WireGuard config then they are free to connect as you do!

In reality, your connection should still place restrictions on what you can access using whatever authentication mechanisms the remote network or system requires, place you into a mediation zone or take steps to ensure being connected isn’t your only trust mechanism.

This is where NHAS/Wag comes in.

WAG provides a means of using a One Time Password (for Multi-factor Authentication) that works with WireGuard and the Linux eBPF firewall. This means I now require a public/private key pair to authenticate with WireGuard, but then I must provide a one time password from an authenticator phone app like FreeOTP or Google Authenticator to enable the firewall to actually allow me on to something inside the network.

WAG manages your user registration process and sets up the WireGuard config ready for them. You can send them a link where they can obtain their configuration file, and when they first try to authenticate it even gives them the QR code to scan into the authenticator app.

The process is very simple.

  1. Register the user with WAG
  2. Send the user the registration link
  3. The user installs the WireGuard config they received
  4. The user connects with WireGuard
  5. The user visits the OTP page, eg. http://otp and enters the code from their phone
  6. If successful, WAG opens the firewall rules to allow the user access
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Fail2ban – PostgreSQL — September 14, 2022

Fail2ban – PostgreSQL

We don’t often have the need to expose PostgreSQL to a network, let alone the internet. Mostly the instances are enclosed within a Docker container set and don’t need to be accessed by anything outside of that. So when we have a need to expose it we need to protect it as much as possible.

Make the change to enforce security within PostgreSQL, using TLS and certificates, lock down authentication to IP addresses using pg_hba.conf, but we should also monitor and block access at the firewall.

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WireGuard and iptables, or Not — September 6, 2022

WireGuard and iptables, or Not

iptables isn’t essential for WireGuard. It really depends on your requirements. In my previous post, I used iptables for a point-to-multi-point set up. This is because the external user connecting to the office would need to get to all kinds of internal services. Without adding a route to all the internal services to reply to the incoming traffic, there is no way routing alone would handle this. It would become impossible to add routes for each users’ endpoint, without them clashing with each other. For this, I had to use NAT.

The PostUp rules handled that for me:

PostUp = iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i %i -m comment --comment "wireguard"
PostUp = iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING ! -o %i -j MASQUERADE -m comment --comment "wireguard"
  • %i represents the WireGuard interface name

The other rules in the FORWARD chain may not have been necessary, it depends on the existing rules. If you disable forwarding for all but necessary forwards, then you’d need to allow forwarding into and out of the wg0 interface.

With a point-to-point setup, say user to user. Then things get much easier. No need for iptables and both parties can talk across to each other using routing and ip_forward only. Of course, you may choose to add some rules to make things more secure, but a simple enough setup on both ends could be:

Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = SuperSecretKey
PreUp = sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

PublicKey = SecretKey
AllowedIPs =
EndPoint =

Now, peers can talk to each other over the IP addresses and The represents the network, or internet, addresses used to connect to each other.

No need for the PreUp script if you already have forwarding enabled, but it’s a useful thing to do to ensure it is set up.

This simple config can work just as well for a multi-point-to-multi-point scenario. Where two offices might be connected. As long as they have different network addresses, no NAT is required. The only thing that changes is the AllowedIPs.

Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = SuperSecretKey
PreUp = sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

PublicKey = SecretKey
AllowedIPs =
EndPoint =

The other end could use an AllowedIPs = and the two networks can then talk to each other – with one important caveat. You either have the peers set as default routes, or add to the routes on the peer network for the other end, eg.

sudo ip route add via dev eno1

and vice versa.

  • represents the IP address of the peer

Passing Over the Config

When sending the other party the WireGuard config, you can use a QR code. Very handy for mobile devices. Once you’ve saved the peers wg0.conf as a text file, convert it to an image using

qrencode -t png -r wg0.conf -o wg0.png

Then you can scan it with the mobile WireGuard client on Android, or fruit based device.

Python3 One Line Web Server —

Python3 One Line Web Server

Many times I find myself wanting to spin up a simple test service for a firewall rule. You can bring up a simple web server in Python3 from the command line.

python3 -m http.server

This will start it on port 8000 ( To start it on port 80 you will need root privileges, as per any port from 0-1023.

sudo python3 -m http.server 80

WireGuard — September 5, 2022


WireGuard is a very simple and efficient firewall. It has only one authentication mechanism and that is using public key cryptography, either public/private keys, or pre-shared key.

It’s very much an up-and-coming development that has been added into the Linux kernel, but still has some features to be added to network manager for peer support.

You need to use port forwarding on both ends of the tunnel. This is the part most user or client ends are likely to struggle with. With OpenVPN, we only need to have a system administrator open a firewall rule on the server end of the tunnel. The client doesn’t need to do anything other than connect.

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OpenVPN Gnome Network Manager and OTP — September 3, 2022

OpenVPN Gnome Network Manager and OTP

If you’re looking for the answer to how to get Gnome to connect to your OpenVPN using OTP, then you’re going to come to a dead end.

There’s been an outstanding issue logged on Gitlab for over 3 years (to date) that wants this facility fixing.

It’s frustrating because we have mostly Linux users. The few macs and Windows users are all right, they get the OTP prompt. Even Android works as it should, it’s only Linux that needs fixing.

I tried the workarounds from the comments and none of them worked for me.

For now, you’ll have to satisfy yourself with using the command line.

OpenVPN Client in the Background — September 2, 2022

OpenVPN Client in the Background

With 2FA/MFA and OpenVPN on Linux you need to use the terminal to start up the session.

sudo openvpn

You then get to see all the prompts for username, password, OTP and certificate key passphrase. The only trouble is you get to see it in a terminal all day and you can’t close it.

Run it inside a screen session instead!

screen -dmS vpn
screen -x vpn
sudo openvpn

Then CTRL+A+D to detach yourself. You can close the terminal and come back to it inside any new terminal using:

screen -x vpn

OpenVPN MFA and PAM — September 1, 2022


So far I’ve seen 2FA/MFA with OpenVPN using a 3rd Party plugin from evgeny-gridasov/openvpn-otp, but after I got it working I didn’t like the way it implemented HOTP counter storage and the use of otp-secrets. There has to be another way.

I see that there is a native, and also know that on another system we’re using the OATH toolkit for providing OTP for sshd. The OATH toolkit includes This means there is a common link for me to make use of PAM to give me MFA for OpenVPN.

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