I mainly use two Linux distros – Manjaro and Debian (or Debian based distro Mint). For most remote workers, I rolled out Manjaro with caching authentication using SSSD. But this week has been frustrating as I’m delivering remote users on Linux Mint.

First step of the process is getting the users authenticating using LDAP, add on sudo-ldap to give them our corporate rule set. Then let the games commence.

I try to use sudo and …

$ sudo ls
[sudo] password for myuser:               
Sorry, user myuser is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/ls' as root on myhost.

What’s going on here? I turned on debug logging in /etc/sudo.conf and even monitor the OpenLDAP server log to see that queries are being made, and I am getting queries to it.

The sudo debug logging is very chatty, but I do find references in there to suggest it knows who I am and what groups I am in.

Nov 16 10:37:47.571 sudo[4212] <- sudo_new_key_val_v1 @ ../../../lib/util/key_val.c:55 := user=myuser/
Nov 16 10:37:47.571 sudo[4212] -> get_user_groups @ ../../src/sudo.c:433
Nov 16 10:37:47.571 sudo[4212] get_user_groups: got 18 groups via getgroups()
Nov 16 10:37:47.571 sudo[4212] <- get_user_groups @ ../../src/sudo.c:490 := groups=154,500,501,502,507,509,511,512,522,524,525,551,552,553,555,557,600,10000
Nov 16 10:37:47.607 sudo[4212] sudo_get_grlist: user myuser is a member of group access-role-sysadmin

Which demonstrates it knows about our LDAP groups. But still no authentication.

I can see what I’m allowed to do by using sudo --list or sudo -l, use -ll for more info.

$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for myuser on myhost:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,
    use_pty, pwfeedback

User myuser may run the following commands on myhost:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mint-refresh-cache
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/synaptic-workaround.py
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/dpkg_lock_check.sh
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mintupdate

Something not right here. These are only sudoers.d entries to allow updates. Where are the LDAP rules?

It’s only after many hours of trawling the net that I find references to sudo-ldap.conf. But that’s not used on Manjaro as the settings are in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf and I have an /etc/ldap.conf on Mint. It must be using that, or why would it even be querying LDAP? WRONG! I linked ldap.conf to sudo-ldap.conf to test this out.

ln -s /etc/ldap.conf /etc/sudo-ldap.conf

Retried sudo -ll and now I see what I expect to see and sudo works as it should.

$ sudo -ll
Matching Defaults entries for myuser on myhost:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,
    use_pty, pwfeedback, insults, syslog=user, mailto=sysadmin@opusvl.com,
    ignore_local_sudoers, mailsub="sudo access report from %h", pwfeedback,
    passprompt="[sudo-ldap] Password for %u on %H:", env_reset

User myuser may run the following commands on myhost:

Sudoers entry:
    RunAsUsers: root
    Options: !authenticate

Sudoers entry:
    RunAsUsers: root
    Options: !authenticate

Sudoers entry:
    RunAsUsers: root
    Options: !authenticate

Sudoers entry:
    RunAsUsers: root
    Options: !authenticate

LDAP Role: access-role-sysadmin
    RunAsUsers: ALL
    Options: !authenticate
$ sudo ls 
antigen.zsh  Documents	fileshare  Pictures  Templates
Desktop      Downloads	Music	   Public    Videos


ln -s /etc/ldap.conf /etc/sudo-ldap.conf