When running an Ansible playbook on a Linux Mint host I found that the variable distribution_release returned the Mint code name of ulyssa. This isn’t very helpful with adding things like hte docker repository as that needs the underlying Ubuntu codename.

To get the Ubuntu code name I resorted to reading the /etc/os-releases file.

  - name: Create a temporary file
      prefix: .fetched_
      state: file
    register: tempfile

  - name: Fetch os-release
      src: /etc/os-release
      dest: "{{ tempfile.path }}"
      flat: yes
    register: fetched

  - name: Set Ubuntu Code Name
      ubuntu_codename: "{{ lookup('ini', 'UBUNTU_CODENAME type=properties file=' + fetched.dest) }}"
  - name: Add Docker Repository
      repo: "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu {{ ubuntu_codename }} stable"
      state: present
    when: ubuntu_codename is defined
    register: docker_list

This fetches the file into a random named temporary file – so as not to clash if our task is running on multiple hosts simultaneously. It then carries out a lookup for the property UBUNTU_CODENAME in the temporary file and sets a new variable ubuntu_codename which we can now use as our real code name.