Today I took the rolling updates and as it was updating I got an error message that I didn’t understand.

Warning: installing nvidia-utils (460.80-1) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=460.73.01' required by linux59-nvidia
Add linux59-nvidia to remove

I sensed trouble ahead and sure enough after a reboot I get no GDM logon.

I was able to CTRL+ALT+F2 to get into a terminal session and a brief trawl of journalctl -b told me that all was not well with the Nvidia drivers. I tried a re installation based on my current 5.9 kernel with no success.

To resolve it I moved forward into kernel 5.10 and installed the linux510-nvidia module:

sudo mhwd-kernel -li
sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux510
sudo pacman -S linux510-nvidia
sudo reboot

Now I’m back in Gnome… but was this the right solution?