We have a couple of hundred certs with Let’s Encrypt and it is a great service. Right now though we need to issue certs to internal systems and thought it would be great to use the same ACME method to do so.

Add to that we’d like to issue some user certificates to use for user authentication into our web services, we needed to find an Open Source solution to the problem.

Enter https://smallstep.com/certificates/

There’s a docker image for the certificate authority and it couldn’t be simpler to setup. Here’s my docker-compose.yml

version: '3.2'

    image: ${STEPCA_IMAGE:-smallstep/step-ca}:${STEPCA_IMAGE_VERSION:-latest}
      - "${PWD}/step:/home/step"
      - "443:8443"
      test: [ "CMD", "curl", "-k", "https://localhost:8443/health" ] 
      timeout: 30s
      interval: 10s
      retries: 6

Note: It listens internally on 8443 and the step user account can’t listen on ports below 1024.

Don’t start the container just yet.

I picked a DNS name ca.domain.local and added an A record to my DNS server pointing to my service IP. Then initialised the CA using:

docker-compose run --rm bash
step ca init --dns ca.domain.local

Fill out the questions and for the port type :8443 to match the compose file.

Without leaving the container bash install the ACME provisioner.

step ca provisioner add domain --type ACME

Where you replace domain with the name you’d like to see in the ACME url, which looks like this:


Exit the bash prompt with CTRL+D and start the container.

docker-compose up -d

Check the logs and test it works using:

docker-compose logs
curl -k https://ca.domain.local/acme/domain/directory

That’s it! You now have a listening ACME server that will issue you with certificates using certbot. The only thing you need to do different is add the --server argument to your certbot command line, eg.

sudo certbot certonly -d spiffy.domain.local --server https://ca.domain.local/acme/domain/directory

You’ll go through the usual certbot email and terms acceptance followed by how to issue the cert. Ultimately it ends up in the regular /etc/letsencrypt paths and you have your certificate.

BUT it’s only valid for 12 hours! WTF?

How to extend the certificate lifetimes for the step-ca using the ACME challenge method

Edit the config/ca.json file either within the container or in the ./step folder and in the ACME section add some lifetimes:

				"type": "ACME",
				"name": "domain",
                                "forceCN": true,
                                "claims": {
                                       "maxTLSCertDuration": "2160h",
                                       "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2160h"

The durations are in hours 2160h = 90 days and we’re good to go.

Because your initial certificate is so short live you can renew it straight away and get a new 90 day version:

sudo certbot renew

Using a Renewal Hooks to Reload Nginx

When certificates get renewed you have to reload Nginx to have it use the newly updated certificate. This can be done using a renewal hook that fires when a certificate is successfully renewed.

Create the file /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/01-reload-nginx and make it executable with the following content:


set -e

/usr/sbin/nginx -t && systemctl reload nginx
sudo chmod +x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/01-reload-nginx

All done. Now when a certificate updates Nginx is ready to serve it.

